Official Guides to the City of London

Christine Jarvis


Architecture, City churches, Crime and punishment, General city tour, Medieval London, River Thames.


Spent over 20 years in Whitehall and the United Nations before training as a London Blue Badge and City Guide. Love showing visitors and residents what a fascinating city we live in!


London Blue Badge Guide

City of London Guide Lecturer

Hampton Court Palace Guide Lecturer

CITY OF LONDON GUIDE, London Blue Badge Guide.

Guided Tours

I organise the guides for the City of London's Guildhall (including rooms not normally open to the public), the Roman Amphitheatre / Guildhall Art Gallery and the Clock Museum.

I also take walking tours (including garden tours) around the City and Westminster and am a Guide/Lecturer for the Historic Royal Palaces.

I lecture on a variety of London and other subjects.


I give a wide variety of talks on London ranging from Hidden Gems of the City, Medieval London, History of London Shopping, Food and Drink etc.

Contact me for full details.