Architecture, Christopher Wren's London, City churches, Gardens and open spaces, General city tour, Great Fire of London, Journalism and the press, Literary tours, Livery companies, Public art, Romans, Tours for children, Virtual tours.
“I got into the heart of City life. I saw and felt London at last… I went into Cornhill; I mixed with life passing along; I dared the peril of crossing.
The City is getting its living… in the City you are excited.”
(Charlotte Brontë, Villette)
No better quote expressed my feelings when I visited the City of London for the first time; however my love for the history, architecture and culture of London started long before becoming a Londoner.
I am now a City of London qualified guide and during my tours each street, building, monument, or garden is the starting point for an exciting story.
I am an Italian guide, my tours are tailored to my audience, therefore they are not only for Italians but for whoever loves the Italian language and wants to learn or practice Italian while walking through the City.
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"I got into the heart of City life. I saw and felt London at last… I went into Cornhill; I mixed with life passing along; I dared the peril of crossing.
The City is getting its living… in the City you are excited.”
(Charlotte Brontë, Villette)
Non c’è citazione migliore per esprimere le mie emozioni quando vidi la City per la prima volta; la mia passione per la storia, architettura e cultura di Londra è nata molto prima di trasferirmi qui a Londra.
Ora sono una guida qualificata della City of London e nei miei tours ogni strada, edificio, monumento o giardino diventa il punto d’inizio per una storia appassionante.
Sono una guida italiana, I miei tours sono organizzati in base ai miei ascoltatori, non sono solo per italiani ma anche per coloro che amano l’italiano, sono per tutti quelli che vogliono imparare o praticare l’italiano camminando per la City.
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Alessandra offers walking tours and virtual (on-line) tours.
Themes include: